Odaka Yoga® basics

Lunedì 27 aprile

An online mini-course of 5 lessons open to everyone who want to explore the basics of yoga and enjoy the practice!

Odaka Yoga basics

Next start Wednesday the 10th of June

Yoga has always intrigued you and you would like to start but you don't know where from?
In this online course, you will learn the basics for practising safely, gently going deep and fully absorb all the benefits of a millennial practice.
Yoga is a wonderful journey that is not just stretching or acrobatic poses, it is much more.
Would you like to find out with us?

The course is open to everyone.


  • What is Yoga?
  • Odaka Yoga® basics
  • Odaka Yoga® gentle practices
  • Odaka sun salutation and flow for your daily practice
  • At the end of every lesson will be possible to interact with the teachers


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Benefits of the course

  • release tensions and stiffness
  • awareness of the potential for movement
  • gain greater stability
  • strengthen postural muscles
  • improvement of general mobility using biomechanics and spinal wave motions
  • physical, mental and emotional rebalancing
  • back, shoulder, cervical, pelvis relief
  • strength your inner power




What is Odaka Yoga®? 

It is the style of yoga inspired by the ocean waves and martial art, born in Italy and practiced worldwide
Discover more >>

How to enrol


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