Yoga Theatre® Academy offers integral, innovative and cutting-edge training for the development and the enhancement of personal abilities and physical, creative and mental skills.

The didactic approach is based on the principle of expansion of awareness as a tool for evolution and self-knowledge.
It integrates modern training of free and proprioceptive movement, voice and emission, communication, development of empathy and imagination to the paths of yoga, meditation and pranayama breathing. It allows the experiential understanding of universal laws and the state of flow by accessing the source of inner wisdom and freeing the personal and artistic expression.


A unique and innovative approach
 [Yoga Alliance International]

Those who approach the Yoga Theatre® Academy studies are united by the interest in:

  • research and self-expression in various areas of life (work, arts, personal and public relations, private and couple life, sports and performance disciplines)
  • the acquisition of self-analysis skills and method for acknowledge inner mechanisms in relation to the external world
  • the healing and regeneration processes of the body-mind system
  • personal growth in order to embrace a new dimension of being.


Training 2025

Dates coming Soon!


Contact us for further information




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